Our Services


Food Services to Schools

This service must be managed by a highly qualified team capable of preparing a menu that students will like and that will also be abundant, well-balanced and nutritious.

DELIBEST´s Education Division was created because of the need to provide a service specially tailored to students. For this purpose, we have a permanent supervising technical team, nutritionists for planning the menus, and staff in charge of supervising the children. The service includes a variety of preparations, double-helpings, salad bar and a choice of desserts.

In this segment it is especially important that the staff have a vocation for working with children. The presentation of the meals is also important as well as the standard of cleanliness, in the kitchen as well as in the cafeteria, in order to promote cleanliness and good nutrition.

Parents and educators can choose different modes of this service.

DELIBEST offers to manage the kitchens provided in each establishment or to transport hot meals in individual thermal trays, food in bulk in special containers or in throwaway packs.

Our expertise includes the designing, building and equipping of model dining rooms. We are proud to be part of the Government-promoted Student Nutrition Program and to contribute to the wellbeing and development of Uruguayan children.


DELIBEST was selected to provide food services to numerous public schools throughout the country. This is how DELIBEST became part of the Student Nutrition Plan that benefits thousands of low-income schoolchildren.

In order to participate in this program, we developed diets for children of various ages according to standards of Uruguayan and international bodies who watch over children’s health and nutrition. Given that these services reach a wide and sensitive sector of the population, subcontracted companies are regularly subject to rigorous quality controls. This is to ensure that children receive their daily nutrition requirements according to their stage of development.


Catering Services for Corporations and Industries

We help improve the productivity of your company contributing to the wellbeing of your workers.

DELIBEST provides food services for all kinds of companies, through concessions and management of cafeterias.

There are various kinds of service: we can prepare the food at your establishment or at our plant, in bulk or in individual trays that can be heated in the microwave.

We seek a positive contribution to the work environment of our company by caring for the presentation of the food, the comfort and pleasantness of the cafeteria, and the friendliness and professionalism of our staff.

Another option is self-service counters which include salad bars and refrigerated dessert buffets.

Our main purpose is to provide different menus that are healthy and tasty and that are prepared under strict hygiene and food safety standards.

With our expertise, we can design, implement and manage the cafeteria.

If your company does not have appropriate facilities or if it has various branches which need attending, we have a central plant and a float of vehicles equipped to deliver hot or cold food wherever.

DELIBEST tailors its service to the situation and budget of each client and, of course, to the calorie requirement of the workers in accordance to their activities.

We seek solutions for your needs.


Food Services for Conferences and Events

DELIBEST tailors its food services and products to the particular requirements of its clients.

Conferences and Events
DELIBEST has participated in numerous events providing food services for conferences, large parties and catering for international music groups.

Our track record includes:Catering for ELEA96 (lunch and dinner for 3000 people per day in the course of a week).

  • Catering for meeting of Japanese women (lunch service for 4300 people per day during a ten-day event).
  • Catering at all training courses of the Banco de Previsión Social (Social Security state agency).
  • Catering at parties organized by various embassies.
  • End-of-year party of ANCAP (National Administration of Fuel, Alcohol, and Portland) in 1999 and 2000 (2700 seated persons).
  • Catering service providing over 7000 meal trays on April 25,1999 and October 31, 1999, to numerous political groups.
  • Catering at party organized by the National Party (4100 people, May 1999).
  • Catering for the Punta Carretas Shopping “Night of the Discounts”.
  • dinner and breakfast service for the whole staff (2000 people).Catering at the Latin American Congress of Students of Communications, August-September 1999 (500 people per day during the course of 10 days).Catering at Montevideo Rock (Centenario Stadium).
  • Catering for Duran-Duran (Afe Central Station).
  • Catering for The Ramones (Palacio Peñarol).
  • Catering for Joaquín Sabina (CinePlaza).
  • Catering for Soledad (CinePlaza) – in the year 2000.Catering at teachers’ training courses organized by ANEP-CODICEN in Flores, Colonia and Montevideo. Over 2500 meals served per day, throughout the year in 2000, 2001 --2009Catering at ANDA elections, September 2001.Catering at congresses organized by OAS (Organization of American States) – November 2001-2009Services for Parties and Banquets.
  • When the occasion so requires and you wish to enjoy an unforgettable party, DELIBEST is the best option given its track record, professionalism, experience and guarantee of quality.At DELIBEST we control every detail of your party, every step of the way:Decoration of reception hall, careful preparation of tables and rigorous preparation of our delicious food.
We use prime quality raw materials, ensuring your enjoyment and our peace of mind.

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